Coconut Cream
Coconut Cream is a an oft used ingredient in Thai Cooking. You’ll find it in most curries, soups, “khanoms” (desserts/snacks) and lots of other Thai delicacies. Coconuts grow abundantly in Thailand, particularly in the south so it’s no wonder they have found their way into lots of the food.
When we visit Hua Hin’s 100 Year Old Market – “Talad Chat Chai” each morning you will have the opportunity to see how fresh coconut cream is extracted. And even get to taste it hot off the press! (check out the short vid)
Then once back at the cooking school you can have a go yourself at extracting the delicious cream the traditional way with the “Coconut Rabbit” (กระต่ายขูดมะพร้าว). They look a little like a bunny right?
This deep dive into Coconut Cream takes place at every class.

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